JTM IT Services LLC was started in 2016 by Brian Granger and is located in Oakdale, Louisiana in beautiful Allen parish. Brian has over 20 years experience in the IT field and holds 2 Microsoft certifications and is constantly working towards new certifications. Brian's experience comes from years of IT work in businesses across Louisiana, some of our client's are the Louisiana Optometry Association, Louisiana Optometry Examiners, and several other optometry offices in Oakdale and Lafayette Louisiana as well as countless small businesses in and around Rapides Parish.
People ask what the initials 'JTM' stand for and i'm glad to tell them. JTM is the intials of my grandfather. Joseph Theodore Marcantel was a very important part of my life and the lives of all of our extended family. Without my grandfather's constant support and unstoppable work ethic, I would not have the drive and determination to have started JTM or pursue any of my other hobbies. My grandfather was there for me and my family any time we needed him or to ask a simple question of which he always seemed to have an answer. He passed away in September of 2015 and an big part of us went with him. The JTM IT Services LLC name is my tribute to my grandfather Joseph T. Marcantel.